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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Whom do you serve, flesh or the spirit?

Obedience to the Lord requires developing sensitivity to His ways, which comes through His Word. We are not just to read the Word, but to do the Word. (James 1:22.)

I like this prayer;
"Father, I choose to be obedient in every area of my life. I will follow Your plan and not my own. In Jesus' name, amen.".

It’s hard especially today to follow the spirit. But when we do good thing happen, I know that we can all testify to that. As I get closer to leave each day- I have began to notice things in my character that need to be changed. I can’t go to a new city with the same habits and mentality that I have currently. I must change so that I go into my new city with a better spirit so that I can try and avoid temptation. I ask you ladies to continuously pray with me and for me that when I do leave- I will continue to be strengthened in the word of God.

(...If anyone intends to come after Me, let him deny himself [forget, ignore, disown, and lose sight of himself and his own interests] and take up his cross, and...follow with Me [continually, cleaving steadfastly to Me]. —Mark 8:34
Jesus is coming back for a glorious Church without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. (Ephesians 5:27 KJV.) One of the best ways to become glorious quickly is through prompt and extreme obedience.Obedience and selfishness are opposing forces. If we are to be glorious, we must be obedient. In order to be obedient, we must be willing to say no to self daily. We must learn to say, "Yes, Lord, yes," and to say it quickly!We need to learn to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. He lives in us and is constantly attempting to lead and guide us. He gently lets us know when we are going in the right direction or the wrong direction. )